Why Must Exposure to Welding Fume be Controlled?
Weld fume is a cocktail of different metals and gases and these are dependent on what type of welding is being carried out.
Exposure to weld fume can cause short term health effects such as sickness and nausea and long term health effects such as asthma.
Welding fume is internationally classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans (IARC classification group 2B).
Welders can also suffer from flu like symptoms known as metal fume fever which can be caused by welding or carrying out hot work on galvanised metals.
How We Can Help
When you engage Viridis to conduct an assessment of worker exposure to weld fume within the workplace our study approach uses a of combination of detailed observation and a range of validated measurement methodologies to:
- assess worker exposure compared to relevant regulatory and/or in-house exposure limits
- determine the efficacy of existing control measures
- assess the suitability of any respiratory protective equipment used
- assess the level of regulatory compliance.
Our study findings report will also provide recommendations to improve control and reduce risk to workers.